Here is My Problem with IT: Chapter Two

Welcome to Blunts n’ Block busters presents: Weed Sommelier — where quick pairings with cannabis and movies occur!!
My problem with IT: Chapter Two is that this movie feels rushed, don’t get me wrong it’s a good movie, with some plentiful scares, and great casting, Ifind it surprising that an almost three hour movies still felt so forced.
This was an episode of the Blunts n’ Blockbusters podcast, so check that out soon! Sowe decided to smoke a Sativawith this one. I don’t know if the novelty of the first one was gone, but smoking a Sativamade us overanalyzethe film. With that being said, it feels like the onlyright way to watch a scary movie, to overthink and creep yourself out!
What made this movie a gem was, GODDAMNBill Skarsgardis amazingas Pennywiseand oddly is continuing a trend for clowns as well respected characters in Movies. I will say his performance in the first one is fantastic, and that could be due to a fear for the kids, but I wish he was a lil’bit creepier. He was soooruthless though!!
But the real problem was that this movie suffered from being formulaic. Without going into spoilersscenes such as the one in the trailer with Beverly where she is chased by an elderly woman. This similar sequence happens to each of the members of the losers. In chapter one, each of the children’s trauma was unique and well-developed you felt something for the kids.
As I witness their older selves come back to Derry, I didn’t share the same sympathy or fear, I expected them to win. I believe that’s because the cast wasn’t truly scared, and that’s what makes Pennywisescary — that he can still inflict fear 27 years later…I needed more of that.