Five Shows That are Better on a Hybrid

- Fleabag (2016)
Rating: 13.9/15
Such a stellar piece of story telling that includes its audience so well in the narrative. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a stellar performer, who snuck a solid three season spectacle under our noses.
Blunts: I suggest an indica dominant Hybrid for this show. You gotta laugh and you gotta relax when watching this show. The fourth wall breaks are great and awkward and only can be enjoyed high on something that won’t make you overanalyze things.
Glass: The fourth wall breaking is such a novel design to this narrative and flows really well through Phoebe’s delivery. The fourth wall breaks during sex are insane
Ass: That there’s only three seasons? No, their fourth wall breaking can be a lil too much and having an untrustworthy narrator brings me anxiety, but that’s just me.

2. Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)
Rating: 11.9/15
This conjured universe that combines, Game of throne, Star Wars, and lord of the rings with puppets, is a mastery work from Jim Henson not matter how weird it is. I found myself struggling to understand the story while feeling so involved with every faction and race of this new world orbiting three suns.
Blunts: I found myself so confused on what was the best strain for this show! It’s layered through different narratives and Dosent quite fit a specific genre. I watched one episode on an indica — loved it. Then smoke an sativa on accident with it, and fell in love with the show more! Let’s just settle on a Hybrid for this show.
Glass: The practical effects really movie this series, as the imagery leaves you repulsed by the skesis and fear for the gelfins lives as they run away from hunters. It’s a perfect blend of CGI and quality effects.
Ass: Sometimes the “lul” of the story leaves me questioning why I am watching these puppets lives. But then I am swooped in to an interesting piece of dialogue that distracts me again. I don’t know if its because of the writing or because sometime if you look really really close, the show is pretty ridiculous.

3. WU-TANG and American Saga (2019)
Rating: 12.8/15
A solid dramatization of a house hold name’s origin story, unlike NWA and Tupac Wu-Tang decided to take this to the streaming screen. This a slow pace origin story the focuses a lot on visualization to tell an interesting story.
Bunts: This show feels like a hybrid, as it is sorting out back story on a slowly streamed basis. Some moments deserve focus while others you just wanna rock with the music.
Glass: The music and origin story is the best part of this series, the acting is decent, but just the overall feel of nostalgia and growth really bring this one home.
Ass: It has the feel of dramatized for TV motive, and I’ve also heard the documentary from showtime really works well with this series, so pair it up!

11.22.63 (Hulu)
Rating 11.5/15
We at Blunts n’ Blockbusters, love time travel movies the rules always get tested and the effects are always dire. This one had a bittersweet ending that for some people may be annoyed with, I bet those same people hate Endgame’s ending too.
Blunts: I suggest a strong hybrid with something that puts you in the couch and allows you not too over think things. But this show deserve honest breaks so smoking a hybrid that will give you a feeling of curiosity.
Glass: The concept of time travel is similar to back to the future in this one, but with an interesting unfortunate twist. It helps to add to the lore of time travel, and also is a pretty good adaption of Stephen kings novel.
Ass: Time travel tends to have a lot of flaws in this one, and if you look deep enough in this show the series has some odd plot holes. The concept too can be a harsh topic to follow that has different views of Presidents actual death. This could lead to people viewing this as a bad representation of history, but I doubt it.

5. MindHunters Season 2 (2019)
Rating 13.5/15
The team at both Wait Forreel and Blunts n’ Blockbusters are self proclaimed Fincher fans, so it is hard to be not to be biased. Season 1 of Mindhunters brought a curious level to the psychological crime genre, and season 2 does the same. Focusing on there Atlanta child murders of the late seventies, we found ourselves, high constantly googling what was real or not.
Blunts: I strongly suggest a hybrid that puts you in the mood to binge a whole series in a night. I would suggest something like Holy Gail a nice euphoric high that will tap into your curiosity rather than your paranoia.
Glass: The dynamic of the trio: Holden, Bill, and Wendy, continue the tactics psychological profiling while interacting with a very real and still partially unsolved murder. We always find the underlying theme of Mindhunters is nature vs. nurture, and with the personal drama each main character deal with, oddly matches well with what’s going on in their jobs; they just can’t see it.
Ass: This show is not for the faint of heart, it’s David Fincher we are talking about, the creator of Seven. There are moments that will creep you out, and because these are based on real crimes it can have a different impact.