Blunts n’ Blockbusters
Black Widow Review
This movie feels like it should’ve come out right after civil war, but if that were the case, we probably wouldn’t have gotten classic performances out of Florence Pugh and David Harbour, they weren’t stars yet. The fighting was excellent and discussing the concept of human trafficking is a valid topic to address here and is more relevant now than it was in 2016, after everything we know as a society. I could do without the constant talk about the avengers, and taskmaster felt slightly off, like how they sowed Deadpool’s mouth shut in X-men origins, I wanted the annoying blabbermouth who copies everyone’s moves.

Weed Pairing: Sativa Hybrid
This is good on a sativa dominant hybrid, it has the classic fast paced action and hidden easter eggs we have to be on our toes for, yet those sincere moments of introspection match well with a sativa that doesn’t get your heart racing too much.
15 Thoughts While Watching Black Widow
- Wow it feels like 10 years since I’ve seen a Marvel Movie
As if we haven’t experienced back to back to back premiers of fantastic Marvel shows, there is just something different when you watch a new Marvel movie. I got the chills when the Avengers music started to play, and whether it was the fact that we waited almost two years for this and honestly longer than that for Black Widow to get her own movie, the nostalgia was real with this one.
2. How many Times are they going to say Avengers?
Avengers this, Avengers that, where are your friends, where’s your family — I get it this is right after Civil War, but not in real life. We all know where every Avenger is, and these lines would hit a lot harder if this wasn’t five years after Civil war. I like the connectivity, but the crisis wasn’t relevant anaymore.
3. Maybe Red Guardian actually did fight Captain America in 1984.

Hear me out on this one, not only did Cap go back in time and play some weird version of Quantum leap, but there are also different versions of Captain America. What if Read Guardian fought Bucky, or Isiah Bradley, Captain Britain in disguise, some random dude with a sheild. My prediction is Red Guardian fought the Cap double while the other Cap was on ice, in some secret covert mission, which I’m begging to see now.
4. Florence Pugh is the next Black Widow and I’m okay with it.

Florence Pugh is already fantastic and she did a great job with Yelena Belova’s character. She was funny, with hilarious one liners. Marvel is doing a great job passing the torch with its heroes and I cant wait to see how she does in some new avengers team.
5. Silent Villains are never really bad ass as people think.

Taskmaster was badass until I realized that they were going to make her quite. I’m all for a character change, switch genders, awesome, but ya can’t take away what makes a character great. Taskmaster is an annoying punk, who talks and steals your moves. Removing that part of him, just ruined it for me. If he was an android sure make sense, but that wasn’t the twist…so meh.
6. Human trafficking needs to fucking stop!
The realist part of this movie was the concept of the Red Room and these young woman taken from their families to be controlled and forced into labor. This is a clear allusion to real life, and a reminder that this needs to stop.
7. The suspense was hit or miss.

I believe the suspense was hit or miss because we already know the arc of Black Widow’s story. If this was made in 2016, we would all be on our toes worried what’s going to happen.
8. Who’s ready for the dark avengers?

With Elaine going from movie and show being the Evil White Nick Fury, it feels like a Thunderbolts or Dark Avengers could be on the horizon. Think of the roster we already have, Yelena Belova, Zemo, Red Hulk (come on already), Just need Norman Osborn to poke his head out in the next Spider-man movie.
9. I still want a Budapest movie.
We finally get a story on Budapest, and sure we get clarification, but we got Arrow holes in the safe house, Natasha defecting sides, I wanna see that all develope. They honest could do two more Black widow movies, one in Budapest, then one of her between the first avengers movie and Winter soldier, what was she up to then??
10. There will never be an Iron Man cameo.
I think Google does this on purpose but…every time you look at the cast of an upcoming Marvel movie, Robert Downey Jr.’s name is list in the cast. I was really hoping this would be the time he shows up, but nah…he’s done with this franchise — I just need to accept it.
11. Can we please get the red hulk up in this piece!?

How many times are we going to see gargly voiced William Hurt, and not one hint as to if we will see him at the Red Hulk. I cant wait for this She Hulk show so we can finally get some Gamma ray lore up in this joint!
12. This probably would’ve been better in theaters.
I watched this on Disney plus, and yes I have as good sound system, but I was missing that element of watching a Marvel movie on a big screen.
13. Not one avenger showed up when things were blowing up in the sky?

Just like in Winter Soldier when the Helicarriers blew up and not one Avenger showed up, I wanted to say really Iron man wouldn’t show up once? Sure they are fighting, but come on, not even vision popping his head in for a few seconds?
14. I was getting Winter Soldier vibes to the max!

This was clearly had the same tone as Winter Soldier, friends from the past come back, they are super soldiers, Russians and or Hydra are involved, mind control and memory loss, facing your demons that you thought you killed. I was actually waiting for Cap to be Romanov’s side kick this time.
15. Hawkeye show…yay?

Last and kinda least, the end credit scene focuses on Yelena getting revenge on Natasha’s death, but Hawkeye…what? I mean I’m here for it, but this just seem’s like a stretch.