Beau is Afraid
A Mind-Blowing Horror Film with a Twist

As someone who enjoys horror movies, I’m always on the lookout for the next big thing. Recently, I came across Beau is Afraid, a movie that had been generating buzz for its unique take on the horror genre. Directed by Ari Aster, Beau is Afraid is a film that challenges the conventions of horror and offers a fresh take on the genre.
While they have different styles, it’s hard not to compare Jordan Peele and Ari Aster’s directing careers, particularly when it comes to their horror films. Both directors made names for themselves with their first features and left audiences wanting more with their second outings. However, their third films have left some fans feeling disappointed.
Beau is Afraid is no exception. While the movie is consistently mind-blowing, it feels like it’s trying to reach a conclusion rather than allowing the audience to enjoy the ride. While it’s not a bad movie, it falls short of the expectations set by Peele and Aster’s earlier works.
But despite this, there are still standout moments in the film, particularly in the first two segments. These segments offer a dreamlike experience where you can speak and control your own body. The fear that this sensation evokes is new and thrilling, and it’s an experience that horror fans won’t want to miss.
To fully immerse yourself in the movie, I recommend pairing it with a Sativa hybrid and taking a couple of edibles. This will ensure that you remain high throughout the movie and can keep up with its pace. The movie requires your full attention, and taking an edible or two will help you stay focused on the action.
One of the things that sets Beau is Afraid apart from other horror films is its unique take on the genre. Rather than relying on traditional horror tropes, the film is a psychological thriller that explores the human psyche and the effects of trauma. It’s a refreshing change of pace and a reminder that horror can be more than just jump scares and gore.
But despite the film’s unique approach, it’s not without its flaws. The pacing can be uneven at times, and the ending may leave some viewers feeling underwhelmed. However, these issues are minor in the grand scheme of things and shouldn’t deter horror fans from giving Beau is Afraid a chance.
In conclusion, while Beau is Afraid may not be as strong as Peele or Aster’s earlier work, it still offers a unique and thrilling horror experience. For those looking to explore the genre further, I highly recommend checking out other recent horror offerings such as A Quiet Place Part II or The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. Horror is a genre that is constantly evolving, and it’s exciting to see filmmakers like Michael J. Marino pushing the boundaries and challenging our expectations.
#beauisafraid #moviereview #joaquinphoenix #ariaster #a24